▣ Introduction ▣
Blaz Kriznik obtained a Bachelor's Degree in architecture from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and continued
his post-graduate study at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design, The Netherlands.
He completed his doctoral degree in sociology of everyday life at the University of Ljubljana. He worked as a research
fellow at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona, Seoul Development Institute, and Seoul
National University Asia Center, as well as a visiting professor at the University of Seoul and Kwangwoon University
in Seoul. He is also a cofounder and senior researcher at the Institute for Spatial Policies in Ljubljana.
His research interests include comparative urban studies, sociology of urban social movements, and Korean studies.
Blaz Kriznik joined Hanyang University, Graduate School of Urban Studies in 2013. His courses and research work are
presently focused on comparative urban studies, community development, social sustainability in localities and
Korean studies.
▣ Education▣
2003-2008 Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
2000-2002 Specialization study, Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design
1992-1999 B.A., Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
▣ Research Projects ▣
2017-2018 Seoul National University, Asia Center
2006- presentInstitute for Spatial Policies, Ljubljana
2007 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona
2006 Seoul Development Institute
2000-2002 Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design
Emerging Civic Urbanism in Asia: Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, and Taipei beyond Developmental Urbanisation (2021, with Cho Im Sik and Jeffery Hou). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Community-based Urban Development: Evolving Urban Paradigms in Singapore and Seoul (2017, with Cho Im Sik). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Local Responses to Global Challenges: Cultural Context of Urban Change in Barcelona and Seoul (2009). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Selected journal Articles:
Social Mobilisation in Localities and Urban Change in South Korea: The Evolution of the Geumho?Haengdang?Hawangsimni Community Movement in Seoul (2021). Asian Studies (forthcoming).
Sharing Seoul: Appropriating Alleys as Communal Space through Localized Sharing Practices (2020, with Cho Im Sik). Built Environment, 46(1).
Deciding Together: Citizen Participation in Planning the Neighbourhood Improvement in Seoul and Singapore (2019, with Cho Im Sik and Kim Su). Asia Review, 8(2).
Streets as Spaces of Community Building: A Case Study of Urban Regeneration in Samdeok Maeul, Seoul (2018). Asian Studies, 6(2).
Transformation of Deprived Urban Areas and Social Sustainability: A Comparative Study of Urban Regeneration and Urban Redevelopment in Barcelona and Seoul (2018). Urbani Izziv, 29(1).
Changing Approaches to Urban Development in South Korea: From ‘Clean and Attractive Global Cities’ towards ‘Hopeful Communities’ (2013). International Development Planning Review, 35(4).
Selling Global Seoul: Competitive Urban Policy and Symbolic Reconstruction of Cities (2011). Revija za sociologiju, 41(3).
Selected book chapters:
Re-emerging Civic Urbanism: The Evolving State-Civil Society Relations in Community Building in Seoul (2021, with Kim Su). In: Emerging Civic Urbanism in Asia: Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, and Taipei beyond Developmental Urbanisation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
From Commodities to Community Engagement: Localities and Urban Development in Seoul, Korea (2021, with Kim Su). In: Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. London: Routledge.
Urban Change in East Asia: A Comparison of Civic Participation in the Residential Neighbourhood Improvement in South Korea and Singapore (2019, with Cho Im Sik and Kim Su). In: Processes and Relations in East Asia. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Press.
Selected research grants:
From State-led towards Community-driven Placemaking? Locating Traditions and Practices of Community Building in Seoul (2017). 2017 National Research Foundation Research Grant.
Re-thinking Community through Urban Agriculture: A Case Study of Urban Gardening in Seochon, Seoul (2017, with Benjamin Joinau). Korean National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant.
Towards a Post-developmental City in East Asia? Comparing Everyday Practices and Policies of Community Building in Seoul and Singapore (2016, with Cho Im Sik and Lee Taehee). 2016 Seoul National University Asia Center Research Development Grant.
▣ Selected awards ▣
Best Paper Award, 10th International Forum on Urbanism (2017). Hong Kong.
Best Paper Award, Great Asian Street Symposium (2016). Singapore.
Best Paper Award, Great Asian Street Symposium (2014). Singapore.
Faculty of Social Sciences Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (2009). Ljubljana.
▣ Major Publications ▣
* Community-Based Urban Development, Evolving Urban Paradigms in Singapore and Seoul
(with Cho Im Sik, 2017), Singapore, Springer
* Local responses to market-driven urban development in global cities(2015). Teorija in praksa, 51(SE)
* Changing approaches to urban development in South Korea: From ‘clean and attractive global cities’
towards ‘hopeful communities’(2013). International Development Planning Review, 35(4)
* Selling global Seoul: competitive urban policy and symbolic reconstruction of cities(2011).
Revija za sociologiju, 41(3)
* Local responses to global challenges: Cultural context of urban change in Barcelona and Seoul(2009),
Ljubljana, FDV