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이상훈(Peter S. Lee)교수

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Dr. Lee studied Forest Environment in Seoul National University during his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and then achieved PhD degree in Environment from Australian National University, combining Natural Environment and Geographical Sciences. Through PhD research work, he analysed the relationship between forest structure and satellite imagery datain southwestern Australia, using GIS and Remote Sensing in order to understand the effects of geographical patterns on vegetation and model suitable habitat of bird species. Currently, he would like to apply his knowledge and techniques to understanding urban forest and developing desirable suitable models of urban forest in pursuit of convergence of natural conservation and public welfare from the viewpoint of landscape ecology. He lectures in the themes of Planning, Restoration, Management of Urban Forest, Urban Forest Landscape Ecology and Urban Climate Change, and Geographical Information System(GIS) and Remote Sensing as useful tools for practice, eventually in pursuit of planning a sustainable Eco-Friendly Green City.




Research Interests

Eco-Friendly & Safe Green City, Urban Forest, Sustainability, Global Climate Change, Urban Natural Disaster, Landscape Ecology, GIS, Remote Sensing  




Australian National University (PhD degree)


Seoul National University (Master’s degree)


Seoul National University (Bachelor’s degree)



Professional Experience

2016~ Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Urban Studies, Hanyang University)

2015  Lecturer (Dankook University)

2014~2016 Research Professor (Institute of Agricultural Science, Chungnam National University) 

2014~2015 (Chungbuk National University)

2013~2014 Senior Researcher (National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management, Seoul National University)

2012 GIS Technician (GeoScience Australia, Australia)




산림과학회 회원

(Member of Korean Forest Society)

한국환경복원기술학회 상임이사

(Executive Board Member of The Korea Society of Environmental Restoration


행정안전부 자연재해저감 종합계획 검토위원

(Advisory committee member of Ministry of The Interior and Safety on the

Comprehensive Plan for Reducing Natural Disaster)

산림분야 미세먼지 대응 도시숲 연구개발 협의회

(Operation Committee Member of the Council for Urban Forest R&D about Corresponding Strategy for Particulate Matter in the Forest Sector)

서울시 도시공원위원회

(Advisory Member of Urban Park Committee at Seoul)

용인시 도시계획위원회

(Advisory member of Urban Plan Committee at YongIn-si)

광주시 경관위원회 위원

(Advisory member of Landscape Committee at GwangJu-si)

한강유역환경청 자문위원

(Advisory member of Han River Water Shed Environmental Management Office

of Ministry of Environment)     



J. Park and P. Lee, 2020. Relationship between Remotely Sensed Ambient PM10 and PM2.5 and Urban Forest in Seoul, South Korea. Forests 11(10): 1060 (  

P. Lee and J Park, 2020. An Effect of Urban Forest on Urban Thermal Environment in Seoul, South Korea, Based on Landsat Imagery Analysis. Forests 11(6): 630 (  

P. Lee, J. Park and J-Y Seo, 2020. Estimation of ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Seoul, South Korea, using empirical models based on MODIS and Landsat 8 OLI imagery. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47(1): 59-66.  

P. Lee and J. Park, 2019. Corelation betwen Urban Forest and Satelite-borne Imagery-based Ambient Particulate Mater acros Seoul, South Korea. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 53(6): 1-11. 

P. Lee and J-C. Jeong, 2019. Influence of vegetation cover in Seoul Forest on PM10 concentration in Seoul, South Korea. The Asian International Journal of Life Sciences 18(2): 591-601.

P. Lee, B. Mackey and S. Berry, 2018. Development of a bird habitat resource classification scheme based on vegetation structure analysis. Current Science 115(12): 2307-2315.

J-Y. Song, J-C. Jeong and P. Lee, 2018. Development of a Classification Method for Forest Vegetation on the Stand Level, Using KOMPSAT-3A Imagery and Land Coverage Map. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 32(6): 686-697.

J-C. Jeong and P. Lee, 2018. Spatial distribution of particulate matters in comparison with land-use and traffic volume in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX 48(1): 123-138.

P. Lee and J-C. Jeong, 2017. Development of an approach for analysing vegetation community mosaic using landscape metrics. Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX 47(1): 161-178.

J. Choi, S. Lee, S. Ji, J-C. Jeong and P. Lee, 2016. Landscape Analysis to Assess the Impact of Development Projects on Forests. Sustainability 8(10), 1012. (DOI: 10.3390/su8101012)

S. Ji, J. Choi, S. Lee and P. Lee, 2016. Prediction of fragmentation impact range of forest development analyzing the pattern of landscape indexes. Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 19(2): 109-119.

J. Choi, S. Lee, S.A. Lee, S.Y. Ji and P. Lee, 2016. Evaluation method development for ecological restorations by damaged types. Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 19(1): 121-133.

J. Choi, S. Lee, S.A. Lee, S.Y. Ji and P. Lee, 2015. Applicability of supervised classification for subdividing forested areas using SPOT-5 and KOMPSAT-2 data. Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 18(2): 89-104.

P. Lee, S. Lee, S.A. Lee and J. Choi, 2015. Development of evaluation indices for ecological restoration of degraded environments near DMZ in the Republic of Korea. Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 18(1): 135-151.

J. Choi, P. Lee and S. Lee, 2015. Anticipation of the future suitable cultivation areas for Korean pines in Korean Peninsula with climate change. Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 18(1): 103-113.

P. Lee, B. Mackey and S. Berry, 2013. Modelling vegetation structure-based bird habitat resources in Australian temperate woodlands, using multi-sensors. European Journal of Remote Sensing 46: 641-674. (DOI: 10.5721/EuJRS20134638)



Research Projects

2017~2020 Remotely sensed data-based analysis on the relationship between urban forest structure and fine dust

concentration (Ministry of Science and ICT)

2014~2016 Categorisatioin and Restoratioin Assessment Indicators of the Damaged Area in DMZ Vicinities

(Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute)

2014~2016 Ecological Impact Analysis Methodology Development for Forest Development Activities

(Korea Forest Service)


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